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What is moving markets August 21st

1) Not much at all - FOMC mins which we know should be dovish are incoming and unlikely to be the main driver today.

2) The unknown will be *checks notes * BLS data, with Goldman Sachs and Zero Hedge calling for revisions of up to 1 million decline in jobs. There is a great write up here; The discussion in the market has been whether BLS data even matters and our response is if it matters to the Fed it will to the market. Fortuitously tomorrow we shall get a response from the Fed.

3) Finally EIA data is incoming and while this is not normally noteworthy in summer months and some may argue at all, this has been quietly been printing bullish inventory data. What is moving markets (WIMM ) is meant to be a summary of what is likely to move markets in the day ahead provided by the OurInterest prop firm for our current and hopefully future traders. We provide mentorship, training for beginner traders and a sounding board for the more experienced.


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